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Celebrating Our 2023 Milestones and Looking Ahead

"Otrium's mission is that all produced clothes are worn. While we celebrate the milestones achieved so far, we remain committed to continuously elevating our performance and propelling positive transformation in the fashion industry."

7 AUGUST 2024
At Otrium, we're thrilled to share the progress we've made in 2023 and to reaffirm our commitment to creating a positive impact in the fashion world. This year, we assessed the development across four priorities of our impact strategy: extending the life cycle of fashion, climate & nature, inspiring better choices, and responsible leadership. While these achievements are a source of pride, we’re even more excited about our plans for continuous improvement.
Curious about our success, ongoing efforts, challenges, and plans for the future? Read Otrium's 2023 Impact Report!
Here’s a summary of the must-know insights:
  1. Extending the life cycle of fashion
Otrium’s main goal is to fight textile waste by finding new homes for unsold fashion items. In 2023, we made great strides:
- We resold 3,5 million past-season clothing items through our Customer-Facing Platform and rerouted an additional 1,145,922 goods using the B2B Marketplace.
- We donated 7,074 garments to local communities.
- About 50% of the damaged items were repaired using the Renewed Repairs Service.
- We reproduced 200,571 best-selling items for outlets, basing our decisions on data and using excess fabrics for smaller collections - though this reproduction is a small part of our business compared to the industry average (5.5% versus 25-60%).
All in all, we exceeded our goal of expanding our services to save 25,000 pieces. While we chose to postpone the launch of the Environmental Recovery Value B2B platform, we did create an internal dashboard that showcases carbon emissions avoided and waste saved per item, as well as conducted our most extensive research on impacts with findings set for release in 2024.
2. Climate & nature
We aim to reduce our carbon emissions in line with the Science Based Targets initiative.
In 2023, Otrium’s team worked on cutting 50% of emissions per item by introducing initiatives such as made-to-measure packaging, optimised packaging materials use, solar-powered warehouses, and new couriers. However, our total emissions increased, mostly due to the transition to a new emissions accounting methodology and the warehouse move. We have also built a real-time carbon dashboard for measuring our greenhouse gas emissions and prepared Science Based Targets, which are to be set in 2024.
3. Inspiring you to make better choices
We want to empower you to make smarter choices through our partnership with Good On You (GOY)
Last year, we rated all fashion companies on our platform using GOY assessment and increased revenue from the “ethically rated” brands to 26.42%. Our brands were also given access to GOY’s Good Measures - an online hub to boost their environmental and social performance. Currently, we're working on expanding the information provided about the “ethically rated” brands on our platform.
4. Responsible leadership
Responsible business leadership is crucial for fostering positive social and environmental impacts. In the past, we’ve set up an internal team to oversee our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) efforts and used feedback from our stakeholders to shape our strategy.
In 2023, we also created an ESG dashboard to track key metrics and initiated an impact-focused approach across the company by assigning specific responsibilities related to environmental, social, and governance goals across various teams.
Want to learn more? Check out our 2023 Impact Report for a detailed look at our progress, challenges, and future plans. You can also review our 2022 and 2021 impact reports.

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Rapport d’impact Otrium 2022

La plateforme de mode Outlet Otrium mesure les émissions de carbone évitées et les déchets grâce au logiciel de calcul du carbone Vaayu.Pour explorer le rapport d'impact interactif 2022 d'Otrium, undefinedAmsterdam, le 21 juin 2023 - Aujourd'hui, Otrium, une plateforme de mode orientée vers un objectif précis, publie une analyse approfondie des émissions de carbone évitées et des déchets des modèles commerciaux modernes à prix réduit, avec le soutien de Vaayu, une start-up de technologies climatiques. Vaayu a utilisé sa technologie d'intelligence artificielle et d'apprentissage automatique propriétaire, ainsi que son équipe d'experts en évaluation du cycle de vie, pour recueillir des informations auprès de plus de 45 marques de mode (disponibles sur et en dehors d'Otrium) et des données provenant de près de cinq millions de produits de mode en direct sur Otrium, afin de calculer le carbone de manière granulaire, basée sur la science.La recherche explore le rôle plus large que les modèles commerciaux de sortie modernes, tels qu'Otrium, peuvent jouer en contribuant à une industrie de la mode plus circulaire en proposant une alternative aux flux de déchets pour les stocks invendus. Elle représente une nouvelle contribution à la compréhension de la phase de fin de vie des produits de mode, en tant que l'un des plus importants ensembles de données sur les pratiques de stocks invendus. En 2022, sur la base de ces calculs, Otrium a évité 6 496 tonnes d'émissions de carbone (CO₂e) et 104 tonnes de déchets en offrant aux marques de mode une solution rentable pour écouler les stocks invendus, par rapport à un scénario alternatif où des entreprises à prix réduits comme Otrium n'existent pas. Cela équivaut à 2 219 vols aller-retour entre Amsterdam et New York pour un passager ou à jeter 130 524 paires de jeans.Otrium collabore avec plus de 400 marques de mode telles que Mara Hoffman, Everlane, Outerknown et CLOSED pour atteindre de nouveaux consommateurs pour chaque article de vêtement produit et prolonger la durée de vie de leurs collections. Maintenant, avec l'aide de Vaayu, Otrium a accès à un suivi en temps réel du carbone au niveau du produit et de la marque, ce qui permet à l'entreprise de surveiller les transactions et d'utiliser ces données pour prendre des décisions en temps réel concernant l'impact.En envisageant un avenir où tous les vêtements produits sont portés et où aucun nouveau vêtement ne finit dans les décharges, Otrium vise à donner à ses partenaires de marque une approche plus axée sur la demande de production et des moyens innovants d'atteindre de nouveaux consommateurs. Grâce au partage de données et aux informations sur les clients, Otrium encourage des prévisions plus précises. Pour soutenir ses cinq millions de membres dans le monde entier dans leurs choix éclairés en dehors des modèles saisonniers et tendances, Otrium travaille avec l'organisation de notation des marques durables et éthiques, Good On You, qui évalue les marques sur Otrium en fonction de leur impact social et environnemental. Otrium réévalue également les articles endommagés tels que les retours, les répare et les réintègre dans le cycle.Déclare Max Klijnstra, cofondateur : "Nous avons fondé Otrium pour jouer un rôle dans la transformation de la manière dont la mode est produite et vendue. Notre modèle commercial est une première étape pour résoudre le défi croissant des stocks invendus. Les résultats de notre rapport d'impact 2022 d'Otrium informeront et renforcent notre stratégie de durabilité et nos objectifs climatiques. Nous l'utiliserons également pour communiquer de manière transparente nos progrès à notre communauté, à nos partenaires de marque et à l'industrie de la mode. Chez Otrium, nous travaillons constamment à améliorer notre impact, un pas à la fois."Selon Marlot Kiveron, responsable de la durabilité chez Otrium : "Notre objectif ultime est d'avoir un impact net positif. Cela signifie donner plus que nous ne prenons grâce à notre modèle commercial et nos opérations. Créer un impact est constant. L'objectif de ce rapport est de mesurer nos progrès et de rendre des comptes en le partageant publiquement. Comprendre l'impact à la fois de notre modèle commercial et de nos opérations en temps réel nous aide à accélérer le changement positif."Selon Namrata Sandhu, co-fondatrice et PDG de Vaayu : "Nous sommes à un moment critique en ce qui concerne le climat et de nouvelles recherches montrent que nous ne sommes actuellement pas sur la bonne voie pour maintenir le réchauffement climatique en dessous de 1,5°C. Les détaillants ont depuis longtemps une approche réactive, réfléchissant aux changements de systèmes et à la circularité, et souhaitant vraiment comprendre et réduire leur impact. Mais Vaayu leur permet réellement de travailler de manière proactive, en exploitant notre technologie d'intelligence artificielle et d'apprentissage automatique pour calculer les émissions en temps réel, puis les réduire en utilisant ces connaissances scientifiquement étayées. Notre collaboration avec Otrium est la première du genre à étudier le potentiel d'économie d'émissions de carbone et de déchets des modèles commerciaux à prix réduit."Pour explorer le rapport d'impact interactif 2022 d'Otrium, undefined.
Otrium, the leading digital outlet transforming how consumers buy end-of-season fashion, debuts on Fast Company’s prestigious 2023 undefined after a year of explosive growth. Each year, the American magazine’s editors search the world for the perfect blend of the next generation of trailblazers and decade-defining disruptors. We’re solidifying our rising star status – joining the ranks of disruptors like Airbnb, Ralph Lauren, Apple & more.Otrium is changing how fashion is created and sold, challenging industry norms around overconsumption and overproduction. The outlet with a mission wants a future where every item of clothing produced is worn. Otrium empowers over 300 brands to responsibly sell excess inventory, connecting them to a community of five million consumers – and counting. Otrium has seen revenue jump of 1000% year over year and members grow at a speed of 500%. “The conversation around what to do with excess inventory in fashion has never been more timely or critical,” says Zuraihah Scott Washington, President and Chief Operating Officer. “Otrium is eliminating unsold inventory and changing the way fashion is created and sold. Through our mission to transform the end-of-season segment through technology, we’re flipping the traditional fashion industry model that relies heavily on seasonality, trend, physical retail, or stock buyers. With every item we sell, we divert textile waste away from countries like Ghana and Chile which often end up burned or in landfills.” Otrium’s free, members-only platform allows consumers to unlock exclusive access to high-quality brands like Belstaff, Mara Hoffman, APL, All Saints and Everlane for a fraction of the price – while educating consumers on the positive impact of their choices. “Our platform elevates the off-price experience for discerning brands and consumers alike,” says Washington. “Consumers want thoughtful solutions and options amidst increasing economic and climate uncertainty.” “57 percent of our community tell us they prioritize buying off-season instead of new off the rack,” elaborates Washington. “Otrium is enabling new consumer shopping experiences by offering what we like to call ‘second chance’  vs. second hand inventory seen in resale models.”  No item is left behind. Otrium ultimately connects its brand partners with preferred stock buyers and local charities for the small amount of pieces that can’t be sold through its consumer platform, optimizing a partner’s recovery value.“The ocean of possibility is blue – and we know Otrium is driving the change,” says Milan Daniels, co-founder, speaking from New York City. “While off-price fashion sales are still predominantly taking place offline, the market represents a $200 billion opportunity. By 2030, we expect our playground  to be worth as much as $480 billion  – and no new clothing in landfills.”In 2022 alone, Otrium matched over 5 million garments with new owners.
"Otrium: Shaping the Future of Off-Price Fashion""" At Otrium, we are on a mission to revolutionize the off-price fashion industry, tackling the challenge of unsold inventory and ensuring that every piece of clothing finds its a a loving owner. Through our innovative technology, we have created a platform where over 400 brands can manage their excess stock, while providing fashion enthusiasts with incredible prices and an unparalleled selection. The Otrium Story: Our founders, Milan Daniels and Max Klijnstra, experienced firsthand the frustration of dealing with unsold inventory in their own sweater brand. Recognizing that this was a widespread issue, they embarked on a quest to find a better solution. Traditional methods fell short, inspiring them to create a tech-enabled marketplace. Otrium's Approach: Our approach empowers brands to open their own online outlet stores, granting them control over discounting, visibility, and merchandising. Through our platform, every garment is connected with its potential owner, optimizing conversion rates through dynamic pricing and refurbishment stations for damaged items. The Power of Polish & Match: At Otrium, we are dedicated to reducing unsold inventory, and our commitment is reflected in our Polish & Match approach. Each item that arrives at our warehouses undergoes meticulous review and enhancements to maximize its appeal. This includes professional photography, compelling product descriptions, and ensuring garments are in impeccable condition. Empowering Women and Embracing Equity: At Otrium, we don't just revolutionize fashion; we champion equality and inclusivity. With a team comprised of 53% women, including many women in leadership roles, we prioritize diversity and empowerment. We actively support initiatives advocating for gender equality in technology and digital education. A Smarter, Sustainable Fashion Industry: Otrium envisions a fashion industry where every piece of clothing produced serves its purpose: to be cherished and worn by a caring owner, eliminating waste and reducing fashion's environmental impact. By harnessing data-led technology and implementing sustainable practices, we are leading the way in transforming fashion into a more sustainable space. Otrium's journey to revolutionize the fashion industry and ensure that every garment fulfills its purpose sets an example for the entire industry to reevaluate its approach to overproduction. With our managed marketplace, tech-enabled platform, and unwavering commitment to sustainability benefit both brands and fashion lovers alike. By embracing equity, empowering women, and leveraging technology for positive change, Otrium is shaping a future where fashion is smarter, more inclusive, and sustainable. Together, we can create a world where every piece of clothing produced is cherished and worn with pride.

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